Nelson City Brass Take Silver At Regionals
Nelson City Brass Take Silver At Regionals

Nelson City Brass fell short by a whisker at the Regionals held in Motueka over the weekend of May 26-27, half a point was all that seperated them from A-Grade Marlborough District Brass. They did however win several awards in a strong showing.
Band results were as follows:
Entertainment programme – 1st place
Entertainment soloist – Mike Ford (Nelson)
Stage March – 1st equal
Test Selection – 1st equal
Sacred Work – 2nd
Aggregate – 2nd (by 0.75 of a point)
Congratulations also to all of our soloists!!!
Congratulations to Marlborough District Brass for their overall win. We look forward to supporting you in the A grade at your home town National contest in July. Nelson City Brass will be competing at the Nationals in the B Grade for the first time in many years. We can’t wait!