
Lest we Forget – ANZAC Day Concert

29 March 2018

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Nelson City Brass and the Nelson Male Voice Choir in concert at Nelson College. Wednesday 25 April, 2:00pm. Tickets available from Nelson Tailors, Summit Real Estate (Stoke) and Richmond Mall or door sales on the day.

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Stunning Night For Opera in the Park

22 March 2018

Picture by Tim Cuff – 25 February 2018 – Opera in the Park, Saxton Oval: with soprano Simon O’Neill, Anna Leese and conductor Hamish McKeich

Article Credit: Nelson City Council

Councillor Gaile Noonan, Chair of the Community Services Committee, confirmed that the 2018 Opera in the Park was a huge success with a crowd of well over 7,000 people.

“It was so fantastic to see all those people in such a beautiful setting, listening to the most glorious music – it really is one of the best nights out in Nelson.

“It was wonderful to welcome the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra back to Nelson after so many years, and the three singers really showed us why they’re celebrated around the world. Nelson City Council is incredibly proud to present this spectacular event.”

Conductor Hamish McKeich said that he thoroughly enjoyed himself. “It was a magical evening for everyone on stage. We could all feel the energy coming from the audience, which always helps performers to give it everything.”

Eager punters were queuing at the gates well before they opened, making sure they secured their preferred positions on the Oval. Those arriving early were able to enjoy performances from Nelson City Brass and local band Anaglypta.

The audience included a huge cross-section of the community, across all ages, and with some large groups with well-organised picnics. Special guests

Picture by Tim Cuff – 25 February 2018 – Opera in the Park, Saxton Oval: with soprano Simon O’Neill, Anna Leese and conductor Hamish McKeich

included those from Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Blind Foundation, who were there courtesy of donated tickets from the Pay It Forward project.

The production team is incredibly pleased that all their planning and hard work came together so well, even with Cyclone Gita throwing up some challenges just a couple of days out. Nelson City Council’s Festivals Team Leader, Axel de Maupeou said “Saxton Cricket Oval proved to be an excellent venue. It has enormous potential for all kinds of events in the future.”

Opera in the Park is part of Nelson City Council’s Summer Events, featured in the Summer Events Guide, which is full of community, cultural, sports and recreation events.

Brass in the Park at Washbourn Gardens, Richmond

05 February 2018

On Saturday 10th March 2018 the award winning Nelson City Brass Band present a free evening of light entertainment at Washbourn Gardens, Richmond.

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